Activity Base – Past Events

Here you can find a list of all the past events that Southend RNLI Activity Base have organised along with the total raised for the event in question.

To date, we have raised: £31,476.60 (as of 07/05/2018).

Southend Carnival 2014 – £613.12

Southend RNLI Sponsored Abseil 2015 – £10,400+ (after event expenditure)!

Southend Carnival 2015 – £1,269.65

Leigh Lights ‘Yuletide Parade – £841.06 (excl. £150 Prize Money from Judging)

Southend RNLI Boxing Day Dip 2015 – £3,500+ (after event expenditure)

Southend Carnival 2016 – £810.78

Leigh Lights ‘Yuletide Parade’ 2016 – £698.91

Southend RNLI Boxing Day Dip 2016 – £7,500+ (after event expenditure)

Southend Carnival 2017 – £1,136.64

Leigh Lights ‘Yuletide Parade’ 2017 – £1,206.44

Southend RNLI New Year’s Day Dip 2018 – £3,500+ (after event expenditure)

Southend RNLI Boxing Day Dip 2018 – £4,500